The country code is +95, and the internet access code is .mm.

Time Zone = MMT (UTC+6:30)

International airports are in Yangon and Mandalay.

The country is divided into states, divisions, townships, wards and villages.

Business Hours is usually from 9am to 5pm for private companies and 9:30-4:30 for government offices. Working days are from Monday through Friday. Public holidays are also included.

Electricity is 200 volts AC, 50Hz.

Taxis are available everywhere. There are over 250 Buses lines running through Yangon everyday. For exclusive transport, there are car rental services.

Domestic highway bus terminals are Aung-Yadanar and Sawbwargyi-Gone, both about 10 miles from downtown Yangon.

Common local unit of weight is peiktha (viss), which equals to 3.6 pounds.

Most common unit of measure is feet and inches.

Clothing should be light, casual cotton wear, sandals or slippers are best for summer.

A cardigan or light jerkin for winter and quick drying clothes and an umbrella during the rainy season.